YS (PPL-IR | KRNT) 2022-5-14 1449



Where can I obtain a passport?

  • The airport office at Auburn Municipal Airport, or the passport stamp mailbox on the ramp
  • WSDOT Aviation office at the Olympia Airport
  • Western Aviation at Spokane/Felts Field
  • Signature FBO at Spokane International
  • Airport office at Bremerton Airport
  • Airport office at SW Regional Airport (Kelso)
  • Sundance Aviation at Richland Airport.




Airport Name Alias Rwy Condition Rwy Length Rwy Width Service
Floathaven 0W7 Lake - - -
Kenmore Lake Washington S60 Lake - - -
Polusbo - Olympic Region 83Q Lake - - -
Wiley Post W36 Lake - - -
Olympic Region
Apex Airpark 8W5 Fair Asphalt 2500 28 S4
Bowerman Field HQM - - - -
Bremerton National PWT Good Asphalt 6000 150 S4
Forks Municipal S18 Good Asphalt 2400 75 -
Jefferson County Int'l 0S9 - - - -
Ocean Shores Municipal W04 Good Asphalt 3100 50 -
Olympia OLM - - - -
Pierce County Thun Field PLU Good Asphalt 3651 60 S4
Quillayute UIL Good Concrete 4210 100 -
Ranger Creek 21W Fair Asphalt 2875 30 -
Sanderson Field SHN - - - -
Sekiu 11S Poor Asphalt 2997 50 -
Sequim Valley W28 Good Asphalt 3508 40 -
Shady Acres 3B8 Good Asphalt 1800 20 -
Swanson Field 2W3 Good Asphalt 2990 36 -
Tacoma Narrows TIW Good Asphalt 5002 100 S4
Westport 14S Good Asphalt 2318 50 -
William R Fairchild Int'l CLM - - - -
South Central Region
Bowers Field Ellensburg ELN Good Concrete 4300 150 S4
Cle Elum S93 Good Asphalt 2379 60 -
Easton ESW Good Turf 2640 100 -
Lower Monumental W09 Good Gravel 3300 50 -
Martin Field (College Place) S95 Poor Asphalt 3819 60 S2
Prosser S40 Excellent Asphalt 3452 61 -
Richland RLD - - - -
Sunnyside 1S5 Good Asphalt 3452 61 -
Tieton State Airport 4S6 Fair Turf 2509 100 -
Tri-Cities Airport (Pasco) PSC - - - -
Walla Walla Regional ALW - - - -
Yakima YKM - - - -
Northwest Region
A J Eisenberg OKH Poor Asphalt 3265 25 -
Anacortes 74S Good Asphalt 3015 60 -
Arlington Municipal AWO - - - -
Aurburn Municipal S50 - - - -
Bandera 4W0 Fair Turf 2344 100 -
Bellingham International BLI - - - -
Boeing Field BFI - - - -
Darrington Municipal 1S2 Good Asphalt 2491 40 -
First Air Field W16 Good Asphalt 2087 34 S4
Friday Harbor FHR - - - -
Harvey Field S43 Fair Asphalt 2672 36 S4
Lopez Island S31 Good Asphalt 2905 61 -
Lynden Municipal 38W Good Asphalt 2425 40 -
Mears Field 3W5 Good Asphalt 2609 60 -
Norman Grier Field S36 Good Asphalt 3288 40 S4
Orcas Island ORS Good Asphalt 2901 60 -
Paine Field PAE - - - -
Point Roberts 1RL Good Turf 2265 125 -
Renton Municipal RNT - - - -
Seattle Tacoma International SEA - - - -
Skagit Regional BVS - - - -
Skykomish State S88 Good Turf 2050 100 -
Whidbey Airpark W10 Good Asphalt 2470 25 -
Southwest Region
Chehalis Centralia CLS - - - -
Goldendale S20 Good Asphalt 3491 40 -
Grove Field 1W1 Good Asphalt 2710 40 -
Morton 39P Failed Asphalt 1810 40 -
Packwood 55S Excellent Asphalt 2356 38 -
Pearson VUO Good Asphalt 3275 60 S4
Port of Ilwaco 7W1 Good Asphalt 2080 50 -
South Lewis County TDO Good Asphalt 4479 150 S2
SW WA Regional Airport KLS - - - -
The Dalles Municipal DLS - - - -
Willapa Harbor 2S9 Good Asphalt 3005 52 -
Woodland W27 Good Asphalt 1953 25 -
North Central Region
Anderson Field (Brewster) S97 Good Asphalt 4000 60 -
Cashmere Dryden 8S2 Fair Asphalt 1800 50 -
Desert Aire (Mattawa) M94 Excellent Asphalt 3665 60 -
Dorothy Scott Municipal (Oroville) 0S7 Good Asphalt 4017 50 S4
Ephrata Municipal EPH - - - -
Grand Coulee Dam 3W7 Good Asphalt 4203 75 -
Grant County International (Moses Lake) MWH - - - -
Lake Chelan Airport S10 Good Asphalt 3506 60 S2
Lake Wenatchee State Airport 27W Fair Turf 2473 100 -
Lost River (Mazama) W12 Fair Turf-Gravel 3150 85 -
Mansfield 8W3 Poor Asphalt 2575 46 -
Methow Valley (Winthrop) S52 Excellent Asphalt 5049 75 -
Moses Lake Municipal W20 Good Asphalt 2513 50 S4
Okanogan Legion S35 Excellent Asphalt 2533 36 S2
Omak OMK Good Asphalt 4667 75 -
Othello Municipal S70 Excellent Asphalt 4000 75 -
Pangborn Memorial (Wenatchee) EAT - - - -
Quincy Municipal 80T Good Asphalt 3660 50 -
Stehekin State Airport 6S9 Good Turf 2630 100 -
Tonasket Municipal W01 Fair Asphalt 3053 50 -
Twisp Municipal 2S0 Fair Asphalt 2701 60 -
Warden 2S4 Fair Asphalt 2811 60 -
Waterville 2S5 Fair Asphalt 2978 50 -
Eastern Region
Colville Municipal 63S Fair Asphalt 2695 40 -
Davenport 68S Fair Asphalt 3260 60 -
Deer Park Municipal DEW Good Asphalt 6101 75 S4
Felts Field - Spokane SFF - - - -
Ferry County (Republic) R49 Good Asphalt 3498 60 -
Geiger Field - Spokane International GEG - - - -
Ione Municipal S23 Good Asphalt 3643 45 -
Lind Airport 0S0 Good Asphalt 3197 50 -
Little Goose State Airport 16W Poor Gravel 3400 50 -
Lower Granite State Airport 00W Fair Gravel 3400 50 -
Odessa Municipal 43D Good Asphalt 3124 58 -
Pru Field - Ritzville 33S Good Asphalt 3433 40 -
Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport PUW - - - -
Rosalia Municipal 7S2 Good Turf 3130 75 -
Sand Canyon - Chewelah Municipal 1S9 Good Asphalt 3537 48 S2
Sullivan State Airport 09S Good Turf 1765 100 -
Wilbur Municipal 2S8 Excellent Asphalt 3851 60 S2

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