Private Checkride Summary 01/09/2024

李圆圆 (PPL | KRAL) 8月前 1574

Private Checkride with Cliff Shuman


Date 01/09/2024




The entire preliminary and oral part took about 3 hours. The Hobbs flight time / practical flight test took 1.7 hours.


The flight scenario is You are scheduled to attend this year’s Arizona State football game and you've offered to fly me to Deer Valley Airport (KDVT).


There's a lot riding on this trip. Be sure to consult the Private Pilot ACS and identify “Risk Elements” associated with this flight.


A strong understanding of ADM and adherence to personal minimums can greatly enhance your ability to perceive threats and take the appropriate action to mitigate any threats.




  • Pay $1000 test fee.


  • Review and signed the IACRA form 
(We made a mistake when filling out the IACRA form, wrongly entering the ASE SEA instead of ASE Land. It took half hour to refill out a new application with my CFI and DPE.)
  • Review the aircraft maintenance logbook, engine, prop, airplane, ….


  • Reviewed the written test score (I got 100%).


  • Reviewed photo ID, pilot certificate, Medical certificate


  • Reviewed logbook and endorsements




Cliff is very care about safety, risk mangenent, and ADM.


We started with qualification of private pilot


Documents required: photo ID, pilot certificate, medical


Medical : classes, Basic Med … (basic med limitations: weight, speed, altitude, plane and passengers…) , medicines for pilots…


Private pilot privileges (carry passenger, pro rata, charity, reimbursement …)


Currency to carry passenger ( day , night, tailwheel, log night time, …)


Flight review 24 months


PAVE checklist (pilot, aircraft, environment, external pressure)


IMSAFE checklist (explained medical, alcohol, even eating, body energy blood sugar  …)


5 bad aviation attitudes


Then we start to talk about aircraft:


Documents (ARROW) AD, special flight permit…


Pilot vs owner or operator duty


Inspection (AAVIATE)


Weight and balance


Especially emphasize the fuel management (weather, emergency, diversion alternates, TFR hold…)


Discuss the airplane performance, takeoff, climb, density altitude (using examples of overloaded crash accidents in KAJO, and poor climbing performance in big bear lake…)


Engine spec and meaning, 150HP@2700rpm


Asked me to draw the fuel system of gravity feed c172.


Fuel type, 100ll color, alternative 100 color green


Equipment day and night, inoperative, (MEL for big jets)


Oxygen requirements at different altitudes


Pilot preventive maintenance


Then talk about the preflight:


NOTAMS types, D, FDC…


Weather (explain later…


Known ATC delay TFR (affect your route, and fuel…


RWY length


Alternates due to weather or emergency


Fuel reserve and personal minimum


Takeoff and landing distance  (density altitude)


Take out the LA sectional chart:


Airspace: A, B, C, D, E, G, special use, TRSA, weather, equipment requirements

Especially compared the G and E, non towered airport in controlled airspace (start from sfc, like Thermal) SVFR operation (1 sm, clear of clouds), talk to Socal approach to land or takeoff to get clearence


Student pilot not allowed SVFR


MEF max elevation figure for clear obstacles


Talk about weather source. Then go through the weather brief in Foreflight:


  1. TFR


  1. NOTAMs


  1. AIRMETS to GA (S, T, Z), SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, PIREPs (how to report)


  1. Surface analysis chart (symbols, L H pressure, 4 different fronts, stability,…)


  1. METARs (definition, current, decode of KRAL, KDVT and explain… A02, SLP – L or H, density altitude…), Cyclone direction, VFR weather minimum,


  1. Forecast: cloud coverage,


  1. Vis, sfc winds, and precip (explained symbols of winds, wind level, gust- red symbol line, especially the symbol of thunderstorm)


  1. TAFs (meaning, radius, period, decode…)


  1. Wind chart, vertical cross sectional chart (wind, flight profile vs terrain), wind aloft (for wind correction angle in nav log, frozen level, icing level) , icing condition operation,


  1. NOTAMs (D, FDC… difference, examples)


Cliff tends to ask you to use as many weather sources as possible, the more informative, the easier to make good decision.


Flight portion (bring the hood):


  1. Preflight around the airplane
  2. Passenger brief
  3. ATIS, ground instructions, taxi diagram, runup
  4. Pre takeoff brief
  5. Normal takeoff from KRAL
  6. South departure to lake Matthew, 4000ft
  7. Clear turns, steep turns
  8. Slow flight , recover
  9. Power off stall
  10. Power on stall
  11. Put on hood, instrument flight, turn, climb, descent,
  12. Take out the hood, close eyes for unusual attitude recovery, nose high and nose low
  13. Simulate engine oil pressure, then engine fire emergency procedures, descent to 2500 ft
  14. Turn around a point over the lake island, S turns along a road.
  15. Divert to corona KAJO, ask me to use any sources in hand, sectional chart, foreflight, get weather, runway info, CTAF frequency…
  16. 45 entry left downwind, runway 25 (he used the ADS-B in to monitor the traffic around
  17. Normal landing in KAJO, RWY 25, full stop and taxi back
  18. Soft field takeoff , 25
  19. Soft field landing, 25
  20. Short filed takeoff, 25, left downwind departure back to KRAL
  21. Short filed landing in KRAL, 27, 1000 ft marker
  22. First attempt was floating too much, execute a go around
  23. Second attempt land right on the marker
  24. Contact ground, taxi to ramp and secure the plane
  25. He said congratulations !


Post flight brief:


He summarized the mistakes and key points in oral portion (class E operation)


Pointed out the radio call right after go around, and full power to go around: 61G, go around, to make everyone around know your intensions.


Be careful about left turning tendency to drift left side of runway. Keep maintain centerline of runway.


Use taxi diagram for taxiing in big, complex airport. Progressive taxi instruction.


Aviate, navigate, communicate.


He signed and gave me the temporary certificate.










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